Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

Make your own PCB ( Printed Circuit Board)

Our main Aim is to make a PCB using 4x4Cms Copper Clad board.

WARNING:  I have been testing this for years without problems. Short circuits and damage to you is out of my hands. 

Things required:
    1. 4x4Cms Copper Clad PCB. 
    2. Ferric Chloride Anhydrous (Iron III chloride)
    3. Small square container
    4. Plastic spoon and rubber gloves.
    5. Acetone / Thinner.
    6. Toothbrush ( local use only)
    7. Trace Paper (used mostly where engineering plans are done)
    8. Iron
Step 1: Draw a PCB on any PCB design suite. I use Diptrace 300pins Limit version. And print a correct layout you need to print on a Trace paper using a laser printer (black toner). 600dpi resolution is needed. Remember always to check whether you need a positive side layout or negative side layout. wrong layout leads to wrong connections, Circuit will never work and mite result in damage.

Step 2: Clean the pcb first using a washing scrub or a cleaner like acetone. Main aim here is to keep the pcb to be ironed dust free and oil free. Do not touch the board after the process. Now place the trace paper onto the board (printed side should be facing the copper) and iron it till you feel the ink has been transferred.
Remove the paper only by soaking in water. Some tracks will go off if cleaning or ironing part is not done well. Remember it also depends on quality of your laser print. Low quality setting also results in this problem.

Step 3: Now we must make the setup for pcb etching. Take small amout of water into a small square container and add few tea spoons of ferric chloride powder. (WARNING: wear protective gloves and eye goggles. Exothermic reaction) Remember Ferric Chloride is corrosive in nature, it will stain material and disolve metals. That is why plastic tea spoon and container is important. Put this setup in a water bath heated and maintained at temperature of 50degrees.

Step 4: We are now ready to insert pcb for etching. Insert the pcb into the container. Stir periodically till the pcb gets etched completely (you will notice copper dissolving). Remove the board after etching and dip into the container with water to neutralize the ferric chloride reaction. Over etching results in tracks loss. Under etching results in some copper remains on the pcb.

Step 5: Clean the board using acetone to remove the toner using the toothbrush and wipe it using cotton cloth and your pcb is ready to be soldered.

1: If tracks are lost after soaking process, do not use permanent marker. I have been testing that for years. It gets dissolved eventually if etching is very slow and your tracks look ugly. Remember, you can always Re- iron the board with fresh new layout. Over ironing results in bubbles on copper clad board. it means your board have to be replaced with new one.

2: Do not dispose off ferric chloride in drain directly. Corrisive material has to be disposed carefully.

Any questions about this method please email : mcf009_activ@yahoo.com
post a comment.


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